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modulo performance energetiche

energy performance

Energy performance module

Energy performance is calculated and exposed with a variety of indices, including Energy Cost Index, Site Energy Use Intensity, Source Energy Use, Productivity Indices, Load Factor and Emission Generated.

These indices offer a complete overview of the energy performance of the plant, providing key information to optimize production processes, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.

The use of the module for calculating energy performance offers numerous advantages for the company, the main ones are listed below.



Identification of energy consumption: the monitoring module allows you to detect and analyze data relating to the company’s energy consumption, allowing you to identify any areas of waste and to adopt measures to reduce energy consumption.


Detection of inefficiencies: the monitoring module allows you to identify any inefficiencies in the systems, such as faults or malfunctions that lead to excessive energy consumption.


Performance evaluation: the monitoring module allows you to evaluate the performance of the systems accurately, through the use of indicators such as the coefficient of energy performance (COP) or utilization coefficient (CU).


Cost optimization: thanks to energy performance monitoring, the company can identify the most energy efficient solutions, reducing costs energy and increasing the profitability of the company.



Reduction of CO2 emissions: the adoption of an energy performance monitoring module allows you to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases , helping to preserve the environment and enhance the company’s image.


Greater safety of the systems: monitoring energy performance allows you to identify any problems or malfunctions of the systems, helping to improve their safety p>

Key Indicators Scope Unit of measure Polarity
Energy Cost Index Measurement of the total annual energy cost Euro - Absolute value as a % compared to previous periods A lower value is better, signaling lower energy use or better efficiency
Site Energy Use Intensity Measurement of the total energy consumption of the system Energy units kWh air conditioned sq ft per unit of time (generally expressed per year or month) A lower value is better, signaling lower energy use or better efficiency
Average Minimum Demand Measures average daily demand representing the lowest point of demand for any facility Power (kW) typically identified during the final part of the productive day (e.g. 2 in the morning) A lower value indicates lower demand, corresponding to lower energy use on a time basis
Emission Generated Measurement of emissions in Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Equivalent value in tonnes of CO2 Lower values ​​indicate better performance
System performance Measure of the efficiency of a specific machine at a specific moment per unit produced Energy units input energy required to generate the expected output kWh/ton cooled, kWh/lt pumped... Higher values ​​indicate better performance
Load Factor Measures behavioral changes on the monitored site Power (kW) Average request / Peak request Lower values ​​represent a smaller fluctuation in the energy demand profile

In summary, the use of the energy performance monitoring module offers numerous advantages to companies, allowing

  • a reduction in energy costs
  • an improvement in the efficiency of the systems
  • a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • an increase in plant safety 
  • the enhancement of the company’s image.